Have you ever seen a ghost?  If you haven't-hold onto your seat!  Do you want to be baffled, bewildered and befuddled?  Here you'll find mysteries that have perplexed people for centuries and may never be solved-strange tales of odd animals and monsters, incredible miracles, peculiar appearances and unexplained disappearances. Are your nerves strong enough?  Read on and find out.

Amazing?  Yes!
Mysterious?  Yes!

Unnatural Phenomena


In-Flight Disaster

In January 1969, a squadron of ducks, flying over the country of St. Marys, Maryland, appeared to crash into an invisible barrier.  No one heard or saw the strange accident, but hundreds of birds fell to the ground.  They had suffered broken bones and extensive bleeding.  Examination of the dead birds proved that these injuries had been caused before the birds hit the ground.  They must have hit something in mid-air--but what?


R-Rated Ghost

The Cauld (Cold) Lad is the ghost of Hylton Castle in England.  Thought to be the ghost of stable boy who was killed in the castle, he is rather an unusual phantom-he appears naked!


Horse in the Lake

Patrick Canning was standing on the shore of Lake Shanakeever in County Galway, Ireland, one day in 1955.  He saw a white horse on the shore and walked towards it to take a closer look.  The horse seemed to have an unusually long neck, but apart from that it seemed ordinary.  As he approached, the creature plunged into the lake and disappeared beneath the surface. several other people have seen a white horse plunging into Lake Shanakeever, and no one has ever explained these mysterious occurrences.


The Haunted Elevator

In 1969, the elevator in a large hotel in Wales began to move by itself.  It would rise from the ground floor and go up to the second floor.  At first, repairmen thought it must have been an electrical fault, but when the electricity was tuned off the lift still moved!  it even moved when the cables had been cut!


Falling Frogs

Early one morning in May 1981, the inhabitants of the village of Narplion in southern Greece were surprised to see frogs falling from the sky.  thusands of small African frogs rained down on the village and their croaking drove the villagers to distraction.  Meteorologist in Athens explained the shower of frogs by saying that they must have been sucked up from African marshes by a whirlwind that carried them across the sea to Greece.  This was not the only occasion that Greece experienced a strange rainfall.  In 200 A.D. it rained fish for three days!




 Monsters You Never Heard Of


The Siamese Werewolf

In 1960, Harold M. Young, owner of the Chiengmai Zoo in Thailand, was hunting in the Lahu Mountains when he heard there was a taw-a Siamese werewolf--in the local village.  he had heard stories of taws in the past, but this was the closest he had ever come to seeing one.

On night, a scream was heard in one of the village huts.  Mr. Young ran to the hut.  Inside, He saw a strange wolf-like animal gnawing at the neck of one of the villagers.  He fired at the beast, but only managed to graze the side of its body.  The creature fled into the jungle.

next morning, Young took some of the villagers with him to follow the trail of blood left by the wounded beast.  They tracked it into the jungle and then, much to their surprise, back into the village once again.  The trail of blood led them to a hut where they found a man lying wounded-with a bullet in his side.

Grey Man of Macdhui

At least two people are said to have died of fright when they encountered the "Grey Man of Macdhui."  The appearance of this specter on the highest mountain in the Cairngorms in Scotland is often accompanied by the sound of pounding hooves.  he sometimes shouts at people in a loud and terrifying voice and chases people who run away from him.

Footprints on the Ice

In 1924 James Rennie and a French Canadian trapper were out hunting when they noticed strange footprints on a frozen lake.  The trapper warned Rennie of impending danger; he was convinced that the footprints belonged to the Wyndygo, a monster said to live in the Himalayan Mountains

Rennie paid no attention to the trapper's warnings and began to cross the frozen lake.  he was about half a mile from shore when new footprints began to appear.  Something invisible seemed to be moving towards Rennie over the frozen lake.  The tracks were getting closer and closer, but there was not a creature in sight!  Soon the footprints reached Rennie.  Suddenly, he was hit in the face by a cold splash of water.  Then the tracks continued their strange journey across the lake.




Ghost to the Rescue!


Cast the Lead, Sir!

In the early years of this century, a sailor on the ship HMS Society was drowned.  A few nights later the captain was woken up by the sailor's ghost.  "Cast the lead, sir!" said the apparition.  Then it vanished.

When the captain did as he had been instructed, he found that his shop was off course and sailing in only 36 feet of water!  The ghost's warning had prevented the shop from running aground.


Guardian of the Bomber

In 1977, the Lincoln bomber RF398 was taken to the RAF Aerospace Museum hangar for repairs.  It was not long before the men working on the plane began seeing a mysterious airman.  He was always either in the hangar or standing on the wing of the plane, dressed in a leather jacket and white polo-necked sweater--a style popular with early aviators.  They knew that he wasn't a member of the crew or the administration and no one ever was able to get close enough to speak with him.

After a while, the men came to the conclusion that the airman was a phantom who was protecting both the plane and the men who were working on it.  One engineer fell backwards from the wing 15 feet onto the concrete floor - but was completely uninjured.  Another man walked into the sharp edge of a propeller and was also unhurt.  Strange whistling was heard, and on a cold day, when there were icicles hanging from the roof, it was so cozy inside the plane that the men didn't even have to wear coats.  The repairmen never discovered who their strange protector had been, but they were glad he was there, all the same.



Getting Away With Murder


Footprint in Blood

On Christmas Eve, 1684, William Blatt's family was at home in Yorkshire, England, when they saw William walking up the staircase towards the main bedroom.  They were surprised, because William Blatt was supposed to be in London at the time.

Blatt's wife and children ran after him, but when they got to the top of the staircase, there was no one there.  All that could be seen was a single footprint on the floor--it was of fresh blood!  William Ballt had, in fact, been cruelly murdered that very evening--in London.


The Haunted Bolero

For the play, The Queen Came By, at the Duke of York Theatre in London, actress Thora Hird had to wear a long dress topped with an embroidered velvet bolero jacket.  Whenever she wore it, however, she experienced a choking sensation.  Her understudy underwent the same sensation when she wore it, as did the stage manager and the director's wife. 

The jacket proved to be quite a problem.  Three mediums were called in, but to no avail.  Three member of the cast were asked to try the jacket on, and two of them felt as if they were being choked by it too.

After some research into the history of the jacket, a Victorian original, it was discovered that the owner had been throttled to death by her lover while wearing it.  She had hunted the garment ever since.


Killer Bus

In the spring of 1933 a man was driving along St. Mark's Road in London, when he saw a double-decker bus careening towards him.  It was too late to avoid a collision--the bus had appeared from nowhere and all the car driver could do was to slam on his brakes and await the impact.  But nothing happened.  When the driver opened his eyes, the bus was nowhere in sight!

That was not the first time the mysterious bus was sighted.  On one occasion, a driver swerved to avoid a bus that was out of control and actually crashed his car into one of the houses on the street.  But when he turned back to look again, the bus had disappeared.

Several other sightings of the ghost bus were reported and a number of accidents occurred on the same street.  Luckily, none of the drivers were seriously injured--until Monday, June 11, 1933, when two cars crashed head-on, killing one of the drivers.  After this fatal accident, the ghost bus disappeared forever--perhaps satisfied that it had claimed at least one victim.



All stories taken from the book Amazing Ghosts & Other Mysteries by
Peter Eldin.  This book can be found in your local library.

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